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Kamis, 16 September 2010

Calm River Water Flow By Hasmukh Amathalal Platinum Quality Author

Rivers are calm when flow quietly
You can hear from distance very gently
It touches the bank and flows silently
The constant move is on relentlessly

Rivers are named as mother too
It has proved very true
It can effectively prove as water way
They will be there for dominant play

Rivers continue to create fever
She has been dreaded with fear
When she has water flow and is in spate
No amount of words can help to state

Some rives are considered as death rivers
They bring catastrophes and shivers
They are feared most in people's mind
They may be dangerous and so much unkind

Our lives are totally dependent on small or big
In every season she will make a dig
She will be like virgin lady
Rushing to meet her nice buddy

Every thing to face ruin on the way
She has still decisive role to play
It can be considered as our life line
She is kind, calm and always fine

When bloody wars were waged on the banks?
Many ships were made to sink
The blood continued to flow in the crystal water
Still men did not turn out to be hater

River has witnessed rise and fall of the empires
They continued to fight for lands to acquire
What made them to run for bloody race?
It was unclear from any angle to asses the case

Rivers may leave behind very good imprint
She may come and go with sound warning and hint
It is our misfortune that we are unable to control
Plenty of water to be enjoyed while on stroll

hasmukh amathalal

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