BOJONEGORO PRODUCTS  Bojonegoro is one of East Java regency that famous with its own products. Many people want to visit Bojonegoro because it has special food called "Ledre" and its special fruit called "Salak Wedi". Ledre
Ledre is kind of snack, typical of Bojonegoro. It formed gapit ( like rolled chips emping) with sweet plantain aroma. The nice one is banana taste. It is special snack from Bojonegoro that made of sugar, flour, and banana. The snack has rolled, so that it looks like a stick. Ledre with banana taste has become the favorite snack of the most visitors. It's feel not complete if visit Bojonegoro without buy some Ledre. Salak Wedi (Salacca Zalacca Fruit)
 Salak Wedi taste is beloved, delicious and fresh. Those trees can be met in every lawn of resident house in Wedi village and its surroundings. The difference of Salak Wedi compared with other Salak, such as; Salak Pondoh, is its water content that make Salak Wedi fresher. This Salacca Zalacca fruit called Salak Wedi, because the skin looks like sand and the fruit is smaller then the other Salak. Salak Wedi comes from Javanese language, means Salacca Zalacca fruit looks like sand (Wedi = Sand, Javanese language). |
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